Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Spam Musubi

This is my first food post, this one is very simple and easy and is one of my all time favorites.  Spam Musubi is so versatile as a snack hot or cold, its delicious. it's one of the best on the go snacks or meals. So this is my take on it.

Grocery List:
1 Can of Spam
1 Package of seaweed
1 Bottle of Kikkoman Teriyaki Baste & Glaze with Honey & Pineapple Sauce
1 Jar of Nori Komi Furikake (Rice Seasoning)
1 Pack of white rice or Sushi (short grain) rice

Cooking Tools:
1 cutting board
2 small containers (ichibankan stores)
1 spoon
1 butter knife
saran warp

1 Can of Spam
1/2 a Package of Seaweed
1/4 cup of Kikkoman Teriyaki Baste & Glaze with Honey & Pineapple Sauce
1/4 cub of  Nori Komi Furikake (Rice Seasoning)
2 cups of rice

Step 1: Wash the rice and cook the rice in a rice cooker.
Step 2: Slice the spam into about a 1/3 inch slices vertically.
Step 3: Heat up pan and cook the spam until golden brown on each side.
Step 4: Cut the seaweed in half Hotdog style.
Step 5: Pack the cooked rice in the small containers with a spoon.
Step 6: Place seaweed on cutting board.
Step 7: Place first packed rice container on the middle of the seaweed, remove container.
Step 8: Spread the Teriyaki sauce over the rice with a butter knife.
Step 9: Place cooked spam slice on top of the rice with sauce.
Step 10: Sprinkle the rice seasoning over the spam.
Step 11: Place second container of rice on top of the rice seasoned spam, remove container.
Step 12: Roll up the spam  in the seaweed and wrap it in saran wrap.

that's pretty much it, really simple right. Now enjoy =). Subscribe for more recipes!